Moscow Interpreter Yulia Bush.

Moscow interpreter Yulia Bush
Moscow interpreter Yulia Bush

Date of birth: June 14, 1995
Residence address – Moscow
Marital status: single

Objective: to obtain the position of translator/interpreter (English)


  • Smolensk State University (2016)

Qualification: bachelor degree. Major: linguistics. Field of study: practice and theory of translation

  • MSLU (Moscow State Linguistic University) named after Maurice Thorez (2018).

Qualification: interpreter. Field of study: consecutive interpretation.

Work experience – since 2016.

Employment with a translation agency since 2016.

Certified translation: since August 2016. Working with document turnover, interpretation at the signature of transactions, translation of personal documents from English into Russian/from Russian into English.

Translation of agreements, contracts, statutes, personal documents, texts with general subjects, translation in the Trados program.

Interpretation: since 2017. Work as an interpreter at meetings, escorting foreigners, interpretation at the signature of notarized transactions from English into Russian/from Russian into English. Work as a translator manager since 2019. Communication with English-speaking and Russian-speaking clients, informing in person and by phone on translation orders.

Freelance: since January 2014. Translation of texts with general subjects, news articles, legal documents (consents, powers of attorney, statutes)

Attendance of courses: Finished courses on translation of commercial documentation at the Russian School of Translation in 2016. Field of study: translation of agreements, legal documentation and accounting records from English into Russian, from Russian into English.

Study abroad: language school “St. John’s Wood School” London, 2014. Education in the language school at the level of “Advanced”, communication with native speakers.

Practical training: Agency Irbis OOO (Limited Liability Company) (January 2016 – February 2016) Smolensk

Medicine, pharmaceutics, pharmacies, clinical trials.

Position – trainee translator. Translation of medical texts from English into Russian.

Language skills:

English: level C1-C2; French: level B1-B2.

Presence of the certificates:

  • IELTS (2016)
  • Trados (2017)

Additional information:

Advanced user (MSOffice, Word, Excel, Internet)

Personal qualities: ability to handle stress, determination, responsibility, accuracy, attentiveness, sociability, ability to learn quickly.

Hobbies: reading English literature, travelling, sports, music