Reside in Moscow, Russia
Born in 1993
Languages: Russian, English
Desired position: Translator/Interpreter
Work Experience
December 2016 – till now
Auyrveda and yoga centre “Kerala”
Interpreting at yoga, meditation, pranayama, Indian dance classes, consultations of Ayurvedic doctors,
astrologists and retreats. Translating texts for the web-page. Assistance at the reception.
June 2020 – September 2021
Translation agency “Elena”
Translating and editing legal and pharmaceutical documentation: GMP certificates, manufacturing
authorizations, agreements, certificates of analysis, statements, summaries of product characteristics,
parts of registration dossiers, etc. Carrying out final quality control of translations before sending them to the client and participating in compilation of glossaries.
September 2019 – June 2020
London Group, OOO
Education abroad manager
Receiving requests for education abroad, consulting clients on education abroad options, translating
documents for embassies, translating texts from the brochures of different schools, website content writing, meetings with representatives of international and foreign schools, organising trips for clients, solving problem situations, representing the company at educational exhibitions, creating visa applications to a number of countries.
October 2018 – April 2019
Kama Games, OOO
Localization specialist
Completing tasks in Jira: expanding and editing glossaries, proofreading and correcting locales, ensuring
translation timeliness, correcting translations and sometimes making them myself, business correspondence with partners, adding electronic dictionaries to the database, LQA.
March 2016 – October 2016
European Medical Centre
Providing written and oral translations, receiving and transferring incoming telephone calls, receiving
patients, accompanying them to the doctor, working in a medical programme.
August 2012 – January 2016
Web-magazine Ikona
Freelance translator
Translation of art news items and articles devoted to Contemporary Art, photography.
August 2015 – November 2015
AO “Mizuho Bank (Moscow)”
Secretary for reception
Providing written and oral translations (including bank documents), receipt and transfer of incoming
telephone calls, internal documentation execution and registration, reception and registration of visitors,
providing prompt connections with outside organizations.
May 2015 – June2015
The Theatre Center «Na Strastnom»
Freelance translator
Ensuring cooperation between the German theatre groupe and the Russian-speaking Management.
Assistance during show trials.
September 2014 – November 2014
Barvikha Secondary School (pre-graduation practice)
English teacher
English teaching for elementary, secondary and high-school children.
September 2013 – November 2013
English grammar and literature teacher
Giving lessons in English grammar, teaching general English and holding home-reading classes.
Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow
Faculty of the Humanities and Applied Sciences, Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and
Professional development, courses
Awatera Academy
Awatera Academy, Pharmaceutical translation
LinguaContact, Introduction to medicine: fundamentals of medicine for translators
Aachener Sprachsommer
Sprachenakademie Aachen, Allgemeinsprachlicher Kurs
About me
I am a responsible, patient and hard-working person. I enjoy watching films in the original with subtitles
and reading literature in the original. Apart from that, I adore doing sports, especially fitness and jogging.